"You are here - Post traumatic disorder somewhere in America"
Series of 16 | Film photography | 35mm | 2011 | No longer available for sale
Series of 16 | Film photography | 35mm | 2011 | No longer available for sale
“You Are Here” tells the purposefully incomplete story of a purposefully anonymous city. At first sight, the traveller sees mere desolation and chaos. A ghost town abandoned by its dwellers for an as yet unknown reason. A closer look, though, shows that life has not left this place entirely. These might be relics from the past or signs of a coming renaissance. It’s up to each traveller to make up their own mind and create their very own history. This city’s limits are those of the travellers themselves. There is hope in this mysterious city, be it the one found in a current or past financial crisis, or maybe the hope found within the fall from grace. There’s also the constant hope found in the wandering human spirit, or that of the smallest daily details. “You Are Here” is the backdrop to a play anchored in reality. Its actors are created by the eye of the observer. The important details, though, are to be found in what he or she does not see but merely imagines. For me, “You Are Here” also displays the remains of a dream-like America that a French family once travelled through in the eighties. I was nine months old at the time.